Testosterone Basics, What you Need to Know
It is 2023, you should know why T levels are important
Periodically, the subject of testosterone levels comes up on twitter or somewhere else, and I am reminded that most men are still not health knowledgeable about their own hormones
You must control what you can control.
I elected to keep this practical and answer the most general questions that arise whenever the topic of testosterone levels comes up. This is not medical advice. I am not a physician obviously.
1 in 5 young men is hypogonadal
The exact cause is not known, environmental estrogens are suspected to be the largest culprit, but no doubt that diet and obesity play a role as well.
If you google "testosterone decline" you can find a plethora of articles all talking about this phenomenon. The average 30 years man today has lower test levels than a 30 year old man in 2001. The average 30 year old in 2001 had lower levels than a man in 1981. The decline first began to emerge in the 1980s, and has continued from then on
What Does Testosterone Affect? EVERYTHING
One of my broscience theories on the decay of Western Society is that its hormonally driven by an epidemic of Low T men. Testosterone has profound neurological effects on courage, rational thinking, risk taking, logical reasoning, empathy, general well being.
Hypogonadal levels of testosterone make for emotional, angry, low energy, and cowardly men.
As Testosterone Levels have dropped, the Reference Range of Normal Has dropped with them.
The old reference range used to be 350-1200 ng/dL. Total testosterone is typically measured in nanograms to deciliters in the USA. Some countries measure it differently.
The new reference range is 300-900 ng/dL. Or 200-900 ng/dL
Why was the reference range changed?
Because so many men were/are having low levels of testosterone that various medical governing bodies decided to lower the range of what is normal.
What are Healthy Testosterone Levels?
Historically it was normal for young men, ages 15-25, to have testosterone levels in the 700-1200 range.
As men age, there would be a decline, but 40 years ago a 70 year old man could have levels in the 500 range still.
This a rough chart showing median levels in different age brackets
Today, the Averages are much lower.
1 in 5 young men are hypogonadal, and that is according to the newly lowered standards. Its not hyperoble to estimate that around half of all men today are low T.
But total Testosterone is not the only measurement…
What About Free Testosterone?
Free testosterone is the unbound testosterone that is bioavailable. The reference range for free testosterone is 47-244 pg/mL, picograms per milliliter.
Generally the higher the better for free testosterone.
With all this said, health is not only a number, quality of life and individuality plays a role
A friend of mine who is a natural bodybuilder has testosterone levels in the 400s. He has fathered two children, competed, has never had any symptoms of Low T. His free testosterone is normal in the middle of the range.
He would qualify for TRT if really wanted it, but he has none of the symptoms of being Hypogonadal
Dont blame your life's problems on testosterone automatically.
I have had many men come to me over the years with general depression, discouragement, lack of momentum in life. I often suggest they get their testosterone levels checked.
More than once, they have come back disappointed to find out that their test levels are NORMAL.
Their problems are not because they have low T. Their problems are mental and mindset. Hormonally they are healthy.
This Said, symptoms of "Low T" generally start to show up when total T is 500 or less
That is the cutoff that most TRT clinics will use when prescribing Testosterone Replacement Therapy
TRT is not unsafe, it does not cause Prostate Cancer, and does not automatically make you infertile for life (read my article on TRT)
TRT is increasing your bodies internal levels of testosterone by exogenous means. This can be done through testosterone creams, injections, and occasionally pellets.
The most efficacious forms are considered to be cream and injections though.
How do you get your testosterone levels checked?
You need BLOODWORK. That means your blood gets drawn and a lab tests it. There are no at-home tests for testosterone (at least none that are accurate)
You do not need a doctors prescription for this.
The necessary blood tests can be ordered from Discount Labs.
Lastly, Testosterone can be raised naturally, but only to a point
I outline 50 ways in this article (which needs to be updated somewhat, but overall the recommendations are useful and true)
Any questions? Feel free to ask in the Comments
Environmental estrogens are a HUGE culprit in the lowering rates of testosterone in men. Unfortunately, most men don't know that this is happening and most replacement therapies cause as many problems as they solve. Testosterone also goes far beyond sex drive in how it benefits men. It's important to brain function and can be protective against neurodegenerative impairment.
Just realized I've probably been hypogonadal my whole life. Got mine checked a little while ago and it was like 350 at 35 years old.