Anytime I mention that barbell squats, or deadlifts, or bench press are NOT a necessity in training, there is always a segment of people that are baffled as to what other exercises could be done.
Without writing another essay on Why the barbell lifts are not the automatically superior exercises, I will be to the point and answer the question as to WHAT other exercises you can do in their place.
FYI, I know these are not linked to video. They can all be found on youtube or IG, and many of them you may already know.
If you followed me on instagram you would have seen me demonstrate ALL of these the past year.
In Place of Back Squats
Specialty Bar Squats (Safety bar, Duffalo Bar, Cambered Bar)
Front Squats
Reverse Lunges
Machine Squats
Pendulum Squats
Leg press
In Place of Conventional Deadlifts
Stiff Leg Deadlifts
Romanian Deadlifts
Weighted 45 degree Hyperextensions
Trap Bar Deadlifts
DB Deadlifts
In Place of Flat Bench Press
DB Chest Press
Any Kind of Machine Chest Press
Smith Machine Bench Press
Low Incline Smith Machine Chest Press
Low Decline DB Chest Press
Low Incline DB Chest Press
Any Questions on any of the above? let me know
What are your thoughts on belt squats? (If you talked about this and I missed it, please point me that direction)